Published November 29, 2022 | Version 1.0
Dataset Restricted

Contrasting responses of the Ocean's Oxygen Minimum Zones to artificial re-oxygenation


This directory contain outputs of 3 biogeochemical simulations performed with the NEMO v4.0 and PISCES-v2 models. The simulations have used in a paper to be published in Environmental Research Letters (2023) entitled "Contrasting responses of the Ocean's Oxygen Minimum Zones to artificial re-oxygenation" (Beghoura et al.) that investigates, on a global scale, the potential biogeochemical responses to the artificial addition of dissolved oxygen and the co-evolution of dissolved oxygen in the ocean and anthropogenic oxygen as a passive tracer. It includes simulations with anthropogenic oxygen as a passive tracer and as an additional source of oxygen in the ocean and a control simulation (i.e. without anthropogenic oxygen).

Simulations_outputs.tar.gz directory contains NetCDF files with ocean, ocean biogeochemistry and passive tracer concentrations. The data are annual averages over the last year following 100 years of injection and after 2000 years of spin-up of each simulation. 

Simulation_Input_stations.tar.gz contains the spatial distribution of the stations and the mass flow of anthropogenic oxygen per station in kg/y

More informations on input contents can be find within the Methods section of the publication.

PISCES_update.tar contains updated routines for the PISCES-offline model (Aumont et al., 2015) that have been used for the publication. 


Ocean Biogeochemistry, Artificial reoxygenation, Oxygen Minimum Zone, Deoxygenation, Nitrogen cycle, Transport.



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