Published November 25, 2022 | Version 1.0
Other Open

The BioDT use cases: unique demonstrators to test the biodiversity Digital Twin prototype


The BioDT project aims to develop the biodiversity digital twin prototype to help better predict global biodiversity dynamics and how species interact with their environment and with each other. In order to test the work developed by the BioDT team in the three years of the project, groups of use cases will showcase how BioDT can examine its predictive performance and address biodiversity challenges through scenario simulations, predictions and biomonitoring methods. In order to speed up with the development of the BioDT use cases, the project team has met from 5 to 7 September 2022 in Potsdam, Germany, for an internal technical workshop. The aim of the event was to:

  • Consolidate the use cases leads and project teams;
  • Develop the scientific questions for each use case;
  • Start developing requirements for each use case;
  • Identify data types and sources to be used;
  • Prioritise UCs and exact scenarios to be addressed by initial development work;
  • Define the process of data flow from Research Infrastructures (RIs) to modellers;
  • Define data format and quality requirements between 1) RIs and 2) RIs and modellers.

The workshop was organised by UFZ and welcomed 17 participants from BioDT partners. Following this workshop, and in order to present the use cases developments also to external partners, a free BioDT webinar was organised on 27 September 2022. The event showcased through presentations, interactive sessions with the audience and a Questions & Answers session the main achievements of the use cases and the next steps. During the 1-hour webinar, it was possible for attendees to learn more about the scope, challenges, solutions and benefits brought by the BioDT use cases and how their development can help scientists in predicting future trends in biodiversity. The webinar was organised by Trust-IT in cooperation with the use cases leaders.

Watch the recording and download the slides


BioDT use cases 2nd webinar - post-event report_graphic.pdf

Files (10.5 MB)

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European Commission
BioDT – Biodiversity Digital Twin for Advanced Modelling, Simulation and Prediction Capabilities 101057437