Published November 27, 2022 | Version v1
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  • 1. Student MBA, Sharda School of Business Studies Sharda University, Greater Noida, India
  • 2. Assistant Professor, Sharda School of Business Studies Sharda University, Greater Noida, India


Cyber security is simple terms is the practice of defending network devices such as computers, mobile devices, servers, electronic systems that are network dependent.

  • Information security: maintains security of data during transit and in storage.
    Privacy stands for data only being accessed by authorized personnel, Integrity means information can be altered, added or manipulated only by the authorized personnel and finally availability of system functions, information and data only to the authorized user. Cyber security systems achieve these by implementing authentication mechanisms, a simple example would be usernames and passwords where a username identifies a user and password acts as the authentication mechanism to prove that the user is who they claim to be.
    Air Force and several other organizations aimed at developing a security system for the Honeywell Multics Computer System. Continuous monitoring systems are threat detection strategy that enforces compliance, security and supports growth in businesses by monitoring data vulnerabilities within network systems and software’s across devices. Continuous security monitoring (CSM) is a threat intelligence approach that automates the monitoring of information security controls, vulnerabilities, and other cyber threats to help organizations make risk-management decisions. In 2018 the US Department of Homeland Security introduced such guidelines, it focused on techniques to mitigate threats, fix vulnerabilities and recover from a cyber-attack.
  • Protect- Through the use of tools such as firewalls and physical security systems such as locked data centers and server rooms. A cyber security threat is any malicious attack that tries to unlawfully access protected data, damage information systems and disturb network operations across devices be it personal or organizational.


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