Published August 26, 2019 | Version v1
Technical note Open

FIDUCEO project: Product User Guide – Ensemble Sea and Lake Surface Temperature


This document describes the Ensemble Sea and Lake Surface Temperature(ST) climate data record (CDR) created by the FIDUCEO project in August 2019 with version designation v0.20. The released data record is based on the MetOp-A Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)"easy" FCDR (fundamentalCDR) version 1.0, with additional ST optimisation of the brightness temperature calibration coefficients. The ST CDR is a gridded dataset (level 3 uncollated) at 0.05°latitude-longitude resolution. This product user guide gives: 1. An overview of the specifications of the ST CDR; 2. A high-level description of the implementation of the retrieval processing chain; 3. Information on limitations of this current version of the data record; 4. Technical details on the format and on how to access the data


Previously curated at: Main files in this record: D5_5 PUG - Ensemble Sea and Lake Surface Temperature.pdf Item originally deposited with Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA) document repository by Miss Esther Conway. Transferred to CEDA document repository community on Zenodo on 2022-11-24


D5_5 PUG - Ensemble Sea and Lake Surface Temperature.pdf

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