Published November 23, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Bioethanol Production from Paper using marine Isolate Bacillus pumilus

  • 1. Sri BhagawanMahaveer Jain College, Geetha Road, KGF-563122,
  • 2. Tarunya's International, Hoskote, Bangalore.



Bioethanol may serve both as an additive or complete replacement for petroleum-derived transportation fuels, particularly gasoline in spark ignition (SI) engines. Many useful products like biofuels, chemicals, improved animal feeds and human nutrients can be produced making use of these residues of plant biomass which has actually treated as waste. Lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose are the major constituents of lignocellulose which in turn contributes to the major component in the structure of woody and non woody plants and also a source of organic matter which can be regenerated and used for deriving the required substances. Marine microbes have a very significant role to play in our lives because of their abundancy and activity. They are remarkable because they have the ability to produce many commercially important bioactive compounds and have the ability to bring about remediation by enzymes produced by the microbes in the ocean. In the present study, bacteria were isolated from marine sources and screened for the ability to produce lignocellulases. One of the bacterial isolates which exhibited an extensive ability to breakdown lignocelluloses was identified as Bacillus pumilus and chosen for further study. Domestic, industrial and agro waste rich in lignocellulosic content were subjected to enzymatic hydrolysis by the isolate. Paper was found to be one of the substrates releasing sugars in abundant amounts. Physical and chemical parameters were optimised with paper to further increase the yield of sugars. The optimised conditions were used for enzymatic hydrolysis of the substrate to give reducing sugars in much higher quantity. These sugars were fermented to alcohol by S.cerevisiae forming 12.42% of alcohol which is close to that of the yields utilised at commercial levels.

Key words: Paper, Bacillus pumilus, Bioethanol, Optimisation.


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