Published November 23, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Nutritional intake of milk, and dairy products consumed by students of the University IBN Tofail, Morocco

  • 1. Department Biology, Ibn Tofail University, BP 133 Kenitra, Morocco



Dairy consumption plays a key role as a food source for human health. This work aims to segment the dairy consumption and assess nutrient intakes of milk among students of the University Ibn Tofail, Kenitra and to estimate the nutritional values of the amount consumed milk. The results showed that the city of student's residence is the main factor of the segregation of students in groups and the students which are resident in the city of Kenitra are those who consume more milk. In contrast, residents in the cities of Sidi Slimane / Sidi Kacem / Sidi Yahia consume less milk and some residents do not consume milk. Pasteurized milk is the preferred milk. Also, for all surveyed students intake calories, protein, lipid and carbohydrate are lower than the need quantities for the ensuring nutritional balance in the consumer.Also, the consumption of cheese, yogurt and butter remains insufficient in quantity and frequency. However, we noted some quantitative differences in consumption between and within the student residence groups. The profession of the father or head of household is an important factor.

Key words : Dairy products, nutritional value, Students, Kenitra, Morocco


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