Published November 14, 2022 | Version 1.0.0
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The Young Supernova Experiment Data Release 1 (YSE DR1) Light Curves


  • 1. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • 2. University of California, Santa Cruz
  • 3. The Pennsylvania State University
  • 4. University of Copenhagen
  • 5. Washington State University
  • 6. University of Cambridge
  • 7. University of Toronto
  • 8. University of Hawaii
  • 9. University of California, Berkeley
  • 10. Northwestern University
  • 11. Space Telescope Science Institute
  • 12. Queen's University Belfast
  • 13. The University of Melbourne
  • 14. Università degli Studi di Milano
  • 15. Center for Astrophysics, Harvard & Smithsonian
  • 16. University of California, Los Angeles
  • 17. National Central University
  • 18. University of Southampton
  • 19. Johns Hopkins University
  • 20. University of Canterbury


This is the official Zenodo data release of the Young Supernova Experiment Public Data Release 1 (YSE DR1) light curves associated with the paper, "The Young Supernova Experiment Data Release 1 (YSE DR1): Light Curves and Photometric Classification of 1975 Supernovae". YSE DR1 is comprised of processed multi-color Pan-STARRS1 (PS1)-griz and Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF)-gr photometry lightcurve files in the SNANA data format of 1975 transients with host galaxy associations, redshifts, spectroscopic/photometric classifications, and additional data products from November 24th, 2019 to December 20, 2021. See Aleo et al. (2022) for details. 

"yse_dr1_zenodo.tar.gz" -- All lightcurve data with no cut on signal to noise (S/N).

"yse_dr1_zenodo_snr_geq_4.tar.gz" -- All lightcurve data with S/N >= 4. This can be used to recreate the analysis in Aleo et al. (2022).

"parsnip_results_for_ysedr1_table_A1_full_for_online" -- The full version of Table~C2 in Aleo et al. (2022). The full ParSNIP (tertiary classification) results for YSE DR1.

NOTE: An example tutorial on how to download the YSE DR1 data (full sample, spec sample, phot sample), grab metadata, and recreate a plot from the paper can be found on Github


If you have any questions about this data set, please reach out to Patrick D. Aleo at



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