EOSC Support Office Austria 2nd General Assembly Slide Deck
The second General Assembly of Austrian Mandated Organisation - EOSC Support Office Austria (EOSC SOA) took place on Monday 7th September at the Graz University of Technology. Besides taking stock of the achievements during its first year of existence in the afternoon session, the Austrian Open Science community had the opportunity to hear keynote talks on the EOSC Partnership and EOSC Association by the Association's Secretary General Ute Gunsenheimer, on the FAIRCORE4EOSC project by coordinator Tommi Suominen (CSC), and on the importance of Open Science in microbiome research by Birgit Wassermann (TU Graz). The event was tweeted online via @eoscassociation.
Katrin Vohland from the Vienna Natural History Museum (NHMW) and chair of the EOSC SOA Steering Committee, gave an overview of what’s in store for the EOSC SOA in the coming year. Ilire Hasani-Mavriqi from TU Graz, the current Chair of the Management Board, summarised the activities carried out in 2022 showing the strong involvement of Austrian organisations in many key EOSC-related initiatives. To complete the overview, Juliana Giroletti from TU Wien described the achievements of the Secretariat and the communication strategy, and the leaders of the EOSC SOA’s working groups (Austria country report, Collections, Data stewardship, KPIs, Researcher and Stakeholder engagement, Technical infrastructure, and Training) showed their results from the past year and the plans for 2023.
To conclude the event, Stefan Hanslik from the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) and Austrian delegate in the EOSC Steering Board and Petra Karlhuber from the umbrella organisation (and formal EOSC Mandated Organisation) ACONET Association expressed their support to the EOSC SOA.
The individual presentations can