Published November 9, 2022 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Techniques for analyzing commercial activity and pricing strategy in Ukrainian processing firms

  • 1. National Aviation University
  • 2. Kyiv International University


The most crucial control over a company's marketing strategy is price. It is one of the components of the marketing mix that gives the company financial stability. Ukrainian producers must act quickly to improve their competitiveness due to the intensifying competition on both domestic and international markets. This may be done by improving both price strategy and product quality.

Current circumstances are marked by dynamism and a high degree of reciprocal impact among pricing policy components. The management of organizations must have managerial control over these aspects. The efficacy of pricing strategy may be improved, and competitive advantages can be attained, by doing thorough marketing research on price determinants and controlling them.

The first step in creating an enterprise's pricing strategy and tactics is selecting a pricing technique and establishing a certain price level in line with it. Future prices will be continuously changed (controlled) by the business (organization) and the government in line with the status of the market and the defined pricing strategy for specific items. A number of pricing methods are thought of as making up the price process. Because of this, they either examine certain processes or the complete collection of pricing regulations.

The main objectives of pricing policy analysis are to offer ideas for the creation of an effective pricing policy as well as to investigate the content of methods for determining prices and price levels.

In reality, the process of pricing is influenced by a wide range of variables, including production costs, demand, competition, transportation expenses, import taxes, changes in currency exchange rates, advertising, and other sales promotion strategies.

It's crucial to accurately define the system of elements that influence price policy in order to create a fair pricing policy. The method used to determine the price affects the efficacy of pricing, or the application of pricing policy. When using a cost-based pricing strategy, the business primarily considers internal factors when deciding the price. In this instance, the pricing policy's primary objective is to consider costs and develop prices in light of them. The fundamental idea behind pricing creation does not alter even when different discounts could be used to encourage sales.



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