There is a newer version of the record available.

Published October 19, 2022 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

5G-IANA - D5.1 - Initial validation KPIs and metrics


[Deliverable pending final approval by the EC] The present document is deliverable D5.1 ‘Initial validation KPIs and metrics’ of the 5G-IANA project. The main objective of the deliverable is to provide an initial set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and metrics for evaluation and analysis of the 5G-IANA Use Cases (UC) with the vision of making the so-defined KPIs available to third-party developers and experimenters wishing to use the 5G-IANA Automotive Open Experimental Platform (AOEP) for the development and evaluation of their own services and NetApps.


5G-IANA - D5.1 - Initial validation KPIs and metrics - v1.0.pdf

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5G-IANA – 5G Intelligent Automotive Network Applications 101016427
European Commission