Published August 31, 2022 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D4.5 Report on completed FAIR data standard adoption and certifications of data repositories in the region

  • 1. TUNI/FSD
  • 2. GU/SND


The EOSC-Nordic project has pledged to implement FAIR in the Nordic and Baltic region. The tasks of EOSC-Nordic Work Package 4 were in particular "support for the introduction of FAIR information standards" and "support for the introduction of the FAIR certification system".  This report summarises efforts of the WP4 task team to support selected communities to adopt a FAIR data standard. It also summarises the support process, visits the feedback gathered from the communities and discusses lessons learnt from communities that agreed to undertake a FAIRification effort or CoreTrustSeal certification
self-assessment of their respective data repository.

The deliverable relies on other WP4 deliverables, which in detail describe how the supported repositories were selected and in which way FAIR maturity has been evaluated in detail. It first reports on the awareness raising and support activities done by the task team 2020-2022 and finishes with feedback from the community and lessons learnt. In the discussion section, the deliverable considers the sufficient levels of FAIR maturity, the applicability of certification, and needs for support and networks in the future.


This deliverable is approved by the EC on 2nd March 2023. The EOSC-Nordic project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 857652.


EOSC-Nordic D4.5 Report on completed FAIR data standard adoption and certifications of data repositories in the region.pdf

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European Commission
EOSC-Nordic – EOSC-Nordic 857652