Published December 31, 1993 | Version v1
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Rattus tanezumi Temminck 1844


Rattus tanezumi Temminck, 1844 In Siebold, Temminck, and Schlegel, Fauna Japonica, Arnz et Socii, Lugduni Batavorum, p. 51.

TYPE LOCALITY: Japan, possibly from near Nagasaki on Kyushu Isl (see Jones and Johnson, 1965).

DISTRIBUTION: Apparently indigenous to SE Asia, from E Afghanistan through highlands of Nepal and N India into S and C China (incl. Hainan Isl), Korea, and mainland Indochina (incl. offshore islands) south to Isthmus of Kra; also probably native to Mergui Arch., Andaman Isls, and some of the Nicobar Isls; also in SW peninsular India. Whether native or introduced to Taiwan and Japan is unknown (but see Yosida and Harada, 1985). Most likely introduced to the Malay Peninsula and islands on the Sunda Shelf (Medway and Yong, 1976) and nearby archipelagos just off of the Shelf, including the Mentawais (Musser and Califia, 1982; Musser and Newcomb, 1983). Certainly introduced to the Cocos-Keeling Isls (Musser and Califia, 1982), the Philippines (Musser, 1977«), Sulawesi (Musser and Holden, 1991), and numerous islands east through the Moluccas and Nusa Tenggara (Musser, 1970«, 1972, 1981 c) to W New Guinea (Sody, 1941), and farther east through Micronesia to islands of Eniwetok and Fiji (Johnson, 1962«, b), but not to the Samoas where R. rattus occurs (Yosida et al., 1985).

SYNONYMS: alangensis, amboinensis, andamanensis, argyraceus, auroreus, barussanoides, benguetensis, bhotia, brevicaudus Chakraborty, 1975, brevicaudus Kuroda, 1952; brunneus, bullocki, burrulus, coloratus, dammermani, dentatus, diardii, exsul, flavipectus, flebilis, fortunatus, germaini, griseiventer, holchu, insulanus, kadanus, keelingensis, kelleri, khyensis, kramensis, lalolis, lanensis, longicaudus, lontaris, macmillani, makassarius, makensis, mansorius, masaretes, mesanis, mindanensis, moheius, molliculus, moluccarius, neglectus, nezumi, obiensis, ouangthomae, palelae, palembang, panjius, pannellus, pannosus, pelengensis, pipidonis, poenitentiarii, portus, povolnyi, pulliventer, rangensis, robiginosus, robonsoni, robustulus, samati, santalum, sapoensis, septicus, sladeni, sumbae, tablasi, talaudensis, tatkonensis, thai, tikos, tistae, toxi, turbidus, yeni, yunnanensis, wroughtoni, zamboangae (see Ellerman, 1941; Ellerman and MorrisonScott, 1951; Johnson, 1962b; Jones and Johnson, 1965; Laurie and Hill, 1954; Musser, 1970«, 1972, 1977«; Musser and Califia, 1982; Musser and Holden, 1991; Musser and Newcomb, 1983, 1985; Sody, 1941).

COMMENTS: The authority is usually cited as 1845, but was published in 1844; see Holthuis and Sakai (1970). The name tanezumi is the oldest for the 2N=42 group of Asian houserats that is distinguished from the 2N =38 /40 R. rattus not only by chromosomal characters but also by morphological and biochemical traits (see account of R. rattus ). The indigenous range is generally north and east of peninsular India, but in Mysore State of SW India, the two chromosomal types (wroughtoni, 2N=42, and rufescens, 2N=38) occur together (Lakhotia et al., 1973; Niethammer, 1975). Nature of the specific relationship between R. rattus and R. tanezumi on the Indian subcontinent where indigenous ranges are either parapatric or overlap still requires resolution. Phallic morphology of Chinese flavipectus described by Yang and Fang (1988) in context of assessing phylogenetic relationships among Chinese murines.


Published as part of Guy G. Musser & Michael D. Carleton, 1993, Order Rodentia - Family Muridae, pp. 501-755 in Mammal Species of the World (2 nd Edition), Washington and London :Smithsonian Institution Press on page 660, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7353098


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Rattus tanezumi Temminck, 1844 sec. Musser & Carleton, 1993


  • Jones, J. K., Jr., and D. H. Johnson. 1965. Synopsis of the lagomorphs and rodents of Korea. University of Kansas Publications, Museum of Natural History, 16: 357 - 407.
  • Yosida, T. H., and M. Harada. 1985. A population survey of the chromosome polymorphism in the black rats (Rattus rattus) collected in the Osaka-city, Japan. Proceedings of the Japanese Academy, ser. B, 61: 208 - 211.
  • Medway, L., and H. S. Yong. 1976. Problems in the systematics of the rats (Muridae) of peninsular Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Science, 4 (A): 43 - 53.
  • Musser, G. G., and D. Califia. 1982. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. No. 106. Identities of rats from Pulau Maratua and other islands off East Borneo. American Museum Novitates, 2726: 1 - 30.
  • Musser, G. G., and C. Newcomb. 1983. Malaysian murids and the giant rat of Sumatra. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 174: 327 - 598.
  • Musser, G. G., and M. E. Holden. 1991. Sulawesi rodents (Muridae: Murinae): Morphological and geographical boundaries of species in the Rattus hoffmanni group and a new species from Pulau Peleng. Pp. 322 - 413, in Contributions to mammalogy in honor of Karl F. Koopman (T. A. Griffiths and D. Klingener, eds.). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 206: 1 - 432.
  • Sody, H. J. V. 1941. On a collection of rats from the Indo- Malayan and Indo- Australian regions (with descriptions of 43 new genera, species and subspecies). Treubia, 18: 255 - 325.
  • Chakraborty, S. 1975. On a collection of mammals from Bhutan. Records of the Zoological Survey of India, 68: 1 - 20.
  • Ellerman, J. R. 1941. The families and genera of living rodents. Vol. II. Family Muridae. British Museum (Natural History), London, 690 pp.
  • Johnson, D. H. 1962 b. Two new murine rodents. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 75: 317 - 319.
  • Laurie, E. M. O., and J. E. Hill. 1954. List of land mammals of New Guinea, Celebes and adjacent islands 1758 - 1952. British Museum (Natural History) Publications, London, 175 pp.
  • Holthuis, L. B., and T. Sakai. 1970. Ph. F. von Siebold and Fauna Japonica: A history of early Japanese zoology. Academic Press of Japan, Tokyo, 323 pp.
  • Lakhotia, S. C., S. R. V. Rao, and S. C. Jhanwar. 1973. Studies on rodent chromosomes VI. Co-existence of Rattus rattus with 38 and 42 chromosomes in South Western India. Cytologia, 38: 403 - 410.
  • Yang An-feng and Fang Li-xiang. 1988. [Phallic morphology of 13 species of the family Muridae from China, with comments on its taxonomic significance.] Acta Theriologica Sinica, 8: 275 - 287 (in Chinese with English summary).