Published October 30, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Activation of nickel foam, as a current collector of a supercapacitor, by impact nickel plating: influence of treatment conditions

  • 1. Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology
  • 2. National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
  • 3. Dnipro University of Technology


Nickel foam is widely used as a current lead/current collector and as the base of nickel hydroxide electrodes for hybrid supercapacitors. An investigation of the influence of activation conditions for a commercial sample of nickel foam produced by Linyi Gelon LIB Co Ltd (China) was carried out using the method of impact nickel plating. The morphology of activated and non-activated nickel foam samples was investigated by scanning electron microscopy. Activated and non-activated nickel foam samples were investigated by methods of cyclic voltammetry and galvanostatic charge-discharge cycling in the supercapacitor mode.

It was shown that upon activation at i=1 A/dm2 and τ=10 min, a thin layer of porous nickel with incomplete coverage was formed. Activation with impact nickel at i=7 A/dm2 and τ=3 min revealed the formation of a nickel coating with a highly developed surface, on which local cracks were found as a result of the accumulation of internal stresses. Activation with impact nickel at i=1 A/dm2 and τ=10 min led to the formation of a coating with a highly developed surface, with significant peeling of the coating.

Cyclic voltammetry showed high efficiency of impact nickel activation at i=7 A/dm2, τ=3 min, and i=20 A/dm2, τ=5 min. The specific current of the cathode peak increased 6.06–6.44 times with respect to the non-activated sample. The investigation of the activated samples' electrochemical characteristics by the galvanostatic cycling method showed that impact nickel activation at i=1 A/dmand τ=10 min was insufficient. It was found that at a discharge up to E=0 V, the maximum specific capacitance of 0.731 F/cm2 was obtained for samples activated by impact nickel at i=7 A/dm2 and τ=3 min. The increase in specific capacitance compared to the non-activated sample was 4.49 times. At full discharge, the highest electrochemical activity was found for nickel foam samples activated by impact nickel at i=20 A/dm2 and τ=5 min. The specific capacitance was 0.505 mA∙h/cm2, and it increased 9.02 times


Activation of nickel foam, as a current collector of a supercapacitor, by impact nickel plating influence of treatment conditions.pdf

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