Digitalization of higher education and features of interactive learning
- 1. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv)
- 2. East Ukrainian Volodymyr Dahl National University (Severodonetsk)
The digital space and its constant development is causing changes in society itself, transforming it into a digital society. The modern world requires from the individual not only theoretical knowledge, but, above all, flexible skills and the ability to use them throughout life in constantly changing and unusual or even problematic situations. Modern society is moving from a society of knowledge to a society of competent citizens. That is why the necessary condition for the effective and efficient use of digital technologies in all life processes is the possession of computer literacy by citizens, which is inextricably linked with one of the key competencies – digital. Non-availability or lack of digital skills in staff affects the increase in the cost of enterprises to attract consulting organizations that help make digital decisions and solve digital problems. New demands of employers to the workforce cause changes in educational processes and educational programs. The digitalization of higher education creates opportunities to improve the quality of education on the one hand, and on the other hand, has shortcomings and problems that need to be addressed or taken into account in the educational process. The article is devoted to the study of the advantages and problems of digitalization of the educational process and the study of the features of interactive learning.
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