Published October 12, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Interoperable and Intelligent Architecture for Smart Buildings


Smart Building is essential to advance towards more comfortable and sustainable cities. However, existing Building Management Systems (BMS) are proprietary non-interoperable solutions based on automatic operations configured by the users. These BMS can not control intelligently current and future buildings with highly heterogeneous legacy appliances and equipment including renewable energy generation, storage, e-vehicles charging points among others. In order to achieve it, this paper proposes an interoperable and intelligent architecture based on recent ICT technologies such as Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity Protocols. This architecture provides five main innovations such as adapt-&-play hardware integration, standardised multi-systems interoperability, building/human behaviours prediction, security/privacy protection and smart services provision for increasing building energy-efficiency, occupants’ well-being and grid flexibility. To evaluate the proposed architecture, five diverse European pilots have been proposed. Specifically, this paper presents the Spanish pilot with multiple heterogeneous equipment and systems that will be employed to demonstrate the impact of the proposed architecture.



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