Published October 27, 2022 | Version V1.0
Project deliverable Open

AESI Case Definition Companion Guide: Preterm Birth and Assessment of Gestational Age


This document collates into a single document the SPEAC Preterm Birth resources (risk factors, background rates, ICD9/10-CM, MedDRA and SNOMED codes), tools (data abstraction & interpretation form, tabular summary of key case definition criteria and algorithm for level of certainty determination, pictorial level of certainty algorithm) and guidance (real time investigation, data collection, analysis and presentation). This guide can be used by stakeholders to assess Gestational Age at birth and the occurrence of Preterm Birth in several settings including as an adverse event following immunization.


The SPEAC Project is funded in whole by CEPI.


SPEAC_D2.5.2.2_Preterm Birth and Assessment of Gestational Age Companion Guide_v1.0_31Oct2022.pdf