Rearing technique for a wild silk worm Actias selene hubner (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae)
- 1. Department of Zoology, Y. C. Warana Mahavidyalaya, Warananagar, Kolhapur, India
- 2. Department of Zoology, Shivaji University, Kolhapur 416 004, India.
Actias selene Hubner (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) is wild silk worm of India. It has durable silk. Therefore, its conservation and exploitation in silk industry is integral part of sericulture. However, silk production technology of A. selene is not developed so far. Hence, in the present paper preliminary rearing technique of A. selene is given. Cocoons were formed within 45 days. Cocoon weight, shell weight, shell length, shell width and shell thickness were 7.42 g, 0.93 g, 4.2 cm, 2.2 cm and 0.18 mm respectively, while shell ratio calculated was 12.53%. The rearing success of A. selene was 25% on Terminalia tomentosa W. & A. The mated females laid 105 eggs and produced 22 offspring’s with an average sex ratio (m: f) 1: 0.75.
Key words: Rearing technique, Actias selene, wild silkworm, India.
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