Published October 28, 2022 | Version v1
Dataset Open

The Atlantic meridional overturning circulation at 35N from deep moorings, floats, and satellite altimeter

  • 1. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
  • 2. NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory


These are the data that accompany the publication "The Atlantic meridional overturning circulation at 35N from deep moorings, floats, and satellite altimeter" by Le Bras, Willis, and Fenty.

The netcdf file includes the final Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) transports presented in the manuscript. It includes "AMOCdepth": the AMOC transport in depth space; "AMOCsigma": the AMOC transport in density space (specifically potential density referenced to 2000m); "psi": the integrated across-basin transport streamfunction in depth space; and "Ekman": is the Ekman transport time series derived from CCMP as described in the manuscript. Note that the Ekman transport is included in the total AMOC transport; we provide it here so that it can be easily removed. All variables in have units of Sverdrups (Sv).

The netcdf file is significantly larger. It includes "vg" (in m/s): the geostrophic velocity through the section; "sigma2" (in kg/m3): the potential density anomaly referenced to 2000m; "bathymetry" (in m): the depth of the sea floor along the section; and "area" (in m2): the area of each grid point. Note that no total transport correction has been applied to this geostrophic velocity; the AMOC transport cannot be extracted directly from it. This velocity and the auxiliary fields are provided for those who wish to reproduce and test our results.

Both files were saved as structured python xarray Datasets with labeled coordinates ( In, the coordinates are "date" (in python datetime format) and "depth" (in m). The alternatives "time" (in decimal years) and "pressure" (in db) are also available. additionally includes the coordinate "distance" (in km) with longitude ("lon") and latitude ("lat"), also available.


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