Published October 27, 2022 | Version pre-print
Journal article Open

Numerical simulation of traditional and technological zinc-based coatings: Part I

  • 1. University of Parma
  • 2. University of Calabria
  • 3. University of Naples Parthenope
  • 4. Università di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale


In the present paper, the bending behaviour of a hot-rolled hypersandelin steel subjected to hot-dip galvanising (HDG) is numerically simulated. Two coating types are analysed, that is: a pure zinc coating and a zinc-based coating with 3% Sn addition by weight.
It was experimentally observed that the tin addition influences the thickness of each intermetallic phase and increases the ductility of the intermetallic phases. Therefore, the key of the numerical simulation is to assume suitable constitutive laws to phase layers, by considering that only few mechanical parameters are available in the literature.
Such an approach has shown quite satisfactory results and it can be promising as a numerical tool to be used by HDG industry, being quite simple but quite accurate to estimate flexural strength and damage of Zn-based coated steels.


Numerical simulation of traditional and technological zinc-based coatings Part I - pre-print.pdf