Published October 26, 2022 | Version 1.2
Report Open

Types of burial data and proposal of a Mortuary Data Application Profile for ARIADNEplus (WP4.4.14)

  • 1. Austrian Academy of Sciences
  • 2. Foundation for Research and Technology
  • 3. Polo Universitario Città di Prato


The objectives of this document are: First, the analysis and description of the different types of mortuary data that are to be integrated in the ARIADNE infrastructure. Data types will be described in relation to the research workflow. Secondly, this document will provide recommendations for data providers mapping their mortuary data to the ARIADNE infrastructure for item-level integration. The so-called ARIADNE Mortuary Data  Application Profile (AP) is an extension of the ARIADNE project ontology and based on the CIDOC CRM and extensions. It will enable users to cross-query datasets from different providers via the ARIADNE infrastructure. 



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ARIADNEplus – Advanced Research Infrastructure for Archaeological Data Networking in Europe - plus 823914
European Commission