Published October 26, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Phytochemical analysis & in-vitro cytogenetics assay of chromosomal aberration on peripheral human blood lymphocytes by the leaf crude extract- Passiflora foetida L

  • 1. P.G. & Research Department of Advanced Zoology & Biotechnology, Loyola College, Chennai-600 034. Tamil Nadu, India



The present investigation is to evaluate the analysis preliminary photochemical screening and In-vitro cytogenetic assay measuring chromosomal aberration frequencies induced by the leaf crude extract Passiflora  foetida L. as an active ingredient in peripheral human blood lymphocyte. Whole blood lymphocytes were cultured in-vitro using a standard protocol and the treatment with the leaf crude extract. The plant extract and fractions revealed preliminary phytochemical compounds with no toxicity. The present investigation revealed that no chromosomal aberration was found in the test sample. And also this study supports, the traditional medicines (herbal extracts) to cure many diseases like diarrhea, intestinal tract, throat, ear infections, fever and skin diseases. The toxicological data are used to evaluate the safety and efficacy of new chemical entities (NCE). One of the most important aspects of safety pharmacology is the evaluation of genotoxicity potential of the NCE. Genotoxicity studies are conducted both at non-clinical and clinical levels.

Keywords: Passiflora foetida L., Methanol extracts, Genotoxicity, RPMI-60, Mytomycine C, Chromosomal Aberration.



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