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Published June 4, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Growth in area, production and productivity of Cashew in India


In India, cultivation of cashew is confined to Kerala, Karnataka, Goa
and Maharashtra along the West-coast and Tamil Nadu, Andhra
Pradesh, Odisha and West Bengal along the East-coast. The growth in
the area, production and productivity of cashew in India was estimated
using the compound annual growth rate function. The necessary
secondary data were collected for a period of 15 years from 2000-01
to 2014-15. Growth rates on all India level showed a significant positive
growth in area under cashew. The production of cashew also registered
significant positive growth. But in case of productivity, cashew
registered non-significant and negative. The compound annual growth
rate in area under cashew nuts during 2014-15 was maximum in Odisha
3.94 per cent followed by Tamil Nadu 3.81 per cent and Andhra
Pradesh 2.86 per cent . In the case of production, it was maximum in
Maharashtra 6.70 per cent followed by Karnataka 5.22 per cent,
West-Bengal 4.79 per cent. But in case of productivity, most of them
were negative and non-significant only West-Bengal was
2.39 per cent followed by Maharashtra 1.85 per cent positive and
significant at one per cent.


Growth in area, production and productivity of cashew in India.pdf

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