Data from: "Lithium-ion battery degradation: measuring rapid loss of active silicon in silicon-graphite composite electrodes"
- 1. Imperial College London
Dataset from the publication "Lithium-ion battery degradation: measuring rapid loss of active silicon in silicon-graphite composite electrodes". Full experimental details can be found in the related publication in ACS Applied Energy Materials:
Commercial 21700 cylindrical cells (LG M50T, LG GBM50T2170) were cycle aged under 3 different temperatures [10, 25, 40] °C and 2 SoC ranges [0-30, 0-100]%, with multiple cells tested under each condition. Cells were base-cooled at set temperatures using bespoke test rigs (see pubilcation for details). All electrochemical data were recorded using a Biologic BCS-815 battery cycler.
Break-in cycles:
Prior to any ageing or performance checks, all cells were subject to 5 full charge-discharge cycles as part of the break-in procedure. This consisted of a 0.2C charge to 4.2 V with CV-hold till C/100, and 0.2C discharge to 2.5 V (repeated for 5 cycles). Cells were rested under open circuit conditions for 2 hours after each charge and 4 hours after each discharge. These break-in cycles were performed at 25°C for all cells.
Ageing Conditions:
Expt | SoC Range | C-rate | Temperature | # of cells | Cell IDs |
1 | 0-30% | 0.3C / 1D | 10°C | 3 | A, B, J |
1 | 0-30% | 0.3C / 1D | 25°C | 3 | D, E, F |
1 | 0-30% | 0.3C / 1D | 40°C | 3 | K, L, M |
5 | 0-100% | 0.3C / 1D | 10°C | 3 | A, B, C |
5 | 0-100% | 0.3C / 1D | 25°C | 2 | D, E |
5 | 0-100% | 0.3C / 1D | 40°C | 3 | F, G, H |
For cells aged in the 0-30% SoC range, each ageing set consisted of 256 cycles over the 0-30% SoC range (discharge to 2.5 V, charge by passing 1500 mA h (== 0.3*nominal capacity)). C-rates were 0.3C for charge, and 1C for discharge.
For cells aged in the 0-100% SoC range, each ageing set consisted of 78 cycles over the full SoC range (discharge to 2.5 V, charge to 4.2 V with CV hold till C/100). C-rates were 0.3C for charge, and 1C for discharge.
Reference Performance Tests (RPTs):
All cells were characterised at beginning of life (BoL) and after each ageing set using a reference performance test (RPT). The RPT was always performed at 25°C. Two different RPT procedures were used: a longer procedure which was performed after each even-numbered ageing set, and a shorter procedure which was used after each odd-numbered ageing set. Both procedures are detailed below. A CC-CV charge at 0.3C to 4.2 V, 4.2 V till C/100 was performed between each step of the procedures.
Long RPT procedure:
- C/10 discharge-charge cycle between the voltage limits (2.5 V and 4.2 V).
- C/2 discharge-charge cycle between the voltage limits (2.5 V and 4.2 V).
- GITT discharge at 0.5C; 25 pulses with each pulse passing 200 mA h of charge, with 1 hour rest between pulses; lower cut-off voltage of 2.5 V (but continued test for all pulses).
- GITT discharge at 0.5C; 5 pulses with each pulse passing 1000 mA h of charge, with 1 hour rest between pulses; lower cut-off voltage of 2.5 V (but continued test for all pulses).
Short RPT procedure:
- C/10 discharge-charge cycle between the voltage limits (2.5 V and 4.2 V).
- Hybrid CC-pulse test with average current of C/2. A baseline DC current of C/2 was applied with an HPPC-type profile superimposed on top. This was done for discharge and charge (with voltage limits of 2.5 V and 4.2 V).
- Hybrid CC-pulse test with average current of 1C. A baseline DC current of 1C was applied with an HPPC-type profile superimposed on top. This was done for discharge only (with a voltage limit of 2.5 V).
Extracted Data - Main
One csv file exists for each cell being tested, summarising the important data extracted from the ageing cycles and the RPTs. This includes:
Ageing Set: numbered 0 (BoL) to x, where x is the number of ageing sets the cell has been subject to.
Ageing Cycles: number of ageing cycles the cell has been subject to. *this is not equivalent full cycles.
Ageing Set Start Date/ End date: The date that each ageing set began/ ended.
Days of Degradation: Number of days between the date of the first ageing set beginning and the current ageing set ending.
Age Set Average Temperature: average recorded surface temperature of the cell during cycle ageing. Temperature was recorded approximately 1/2 way up the length of the cell (i.e. between positive and negative caps) using a K-type thermocouple. Units: °C.
Charge Throughput: total accumulated charge recorded during all cycles during ageing (i.e. sum of charge and discharge). This is the cummulative total since BoL (not including RPTs). Units: Ah.
Energy Throughput: as with "charge throughput", but for energy. Units: Wh.
C/10 Capacity: the capacity recorded during the C/10 discharge test of each RPT. Units: mAh.
C/2 Capacity: the capacity recorded during the C/2 discharge test of each even-numbered RPT. Units: mAh.
0.1s Resistance: The resistance calculated from the 25-pulse GITT test of each even-numbered RPT. This value is taken from the 12th pulse of the procedure (which corresponds to ~52% SoC at BoL). The resistance is calculated by dividing the voltage drop by the current at a timecale of 0.1 seconds after the current pulse is applied (the fastest timescale possible under the 10 Hz recording condition). Units: Ohms.
Extracted Data - Degradation Modes:
Degradation Mode Analysis (DMA) was also performed on the C/10 discharge data at each RPT. This analysis uses an optimisation function to determine the capacities and offset of the positive and negative electrodes by calculating a full cell voltage vs capacity curve using 1/2 cell data and comparing against the experimentally measured voltage vs capacity data from the C/10 discharge.
The results of this analysis are saved in the DMA folder, with 4 csv files for each cell, which contain data for all RPTs. The 4 files contain:
Fitting parameters: output from the DMA optimisation function; 5 parameters which detail the upper/lower lithitation fractions of each electrode and the capacity fraction of graphite in the negative electrode.
Capacity and offset data: calculated based on the fitting parameters above alongside the measured C/10 discharge capacity.
DM data: Quantities of LLI, LAM-PE, LAM-NE, LAM-NE-Gr, and LAM-NE-Si calculated from the change in capacities/offset of each electrode since BoL.
RMSE data: the root-mean-square error of the optimisation function calculated from the residual between the measured and calculated voltage vs capacity profiles.
Timeseries data from RPTs:
Timeseries datafiles from the Biologic battery cycler which have been exported to csv and sliced for each step of each RPT procedure to help with future use of the data. Files contain [time, voltage, current, charge, temperature] data.
Jupyter Notebook:
A jupyter notebook has been included to aid futher use of this data. The notebook shows how to load the data into pandas DataFrame objects and provides a couple of example plots to view the datasets.
A faulty electrical connection to cell A of Expt 5 (i.e. one of the cells being aged at 0-100% SoC at 10°C) during RPT4 led to erroneous results for that performance check (as evidenced in the 0.1s resistance value). The faulty electrical connection was fixed prior to subsequent cycling but the RPT was not repeated. We have kept the data collected during this RPT as part of the dataset, so caution should be used when using this specific portion.
Battery Degradation
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Related works
- Is cited by
- Journal article: 10.1021/acsaem.2c02047 (DOI)
- The Faraday Institution EP/S003053/1
- UK Research and Innovation
- WIZer Batteries 104427
- UK Research and Innovation