PRISMA HSI Forest dataset
This BD provides more than 1000 labelled hyperspectral images. It is the first database providing as many high-quality HS images.
The images are based on PRISMA products and ground truth is based on IGN BD Forest V2. Four classes are used : deciduous forest, coniferous forest, mixed, non-tree. Details about its content is provided in the technical note (only for Zenodo text). Considerable efforts were made to ensure the high quality of the dataset, especially regarding the coregistration between the ground truth and the images. To assess the quality of the dataset, a segmentation network was trained with it and the good results obtained proved the coherence between the final set of images and ground truth. This database was generated by AGENIUM Space in the framework of the CORTEX project ( funded by ESA in the framework of the EO SCIENCE FOR SOCIETY PERMANENTLY OPEN CALL FOR PROPOSALS EOEP-5 BLOCK 4