- 1. C.V.R.U. Kota Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh).
- 2. D.P.V.P.G. College, Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh)
The Primary productivity of a Grazed grassland commune located at Kota of Bilaspur district, Chhattisgarh lies between 21O47’ to 23O8’ North latitude and 81 O14’ to 83O 15’ East longitude. A quadrate of 0.25 gm-2 was used for sampling the above ground plant parts. The size of quadrate was determined by Species Area Curve Method. The grassland community comprised of 13 species (7 were grasses and 6 were non-grasses). Bothriochloa Pertusa, Cynodon dactylon, dactyloctenium aegyptium, and eragrastris mutan among the grasses and Alternanthera sessilis, Alycicarpus Monilifer, Desmodium Trifloriun, and Sida cordifolia among the non-grasses were found dominant during the study period. The annual grass production was found to be 1305.95 gm-2 /year. The non-grass production showed maximum in the month of October (53.49 gm-2 ) and minimum in the month of June (2.80 gm-2 ). The annual non-grass production was found to be 430.84 gm-2 /year. The study of primary productivity helps to recovery of the natural ecosystems to the earlier balanced state and continuation the biodiversity of grazed grassland community in world
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