Published October 16, 2022 | Version 1.0.0
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The Consequences of Legon's Rectangle: The Rational Giza Design


In 1979, John Legon proposed that Khufu and Menkaure’s pyramids were sited at the opposite corners of a 1000√2 by 1000√3 cubit rectangle. The problem with this proposal is that it almost works. The 1000√3 north – south length is fine, but the west – east dimension is 1417.5 cubits rather than the desired 1414. Some researchers argue that this discrepancy invalidates the proposal. I take a different view, and propose that Menkaure as it is now is not what was originally built: we are dealing with a renovated pyramid, which is bedevillinganalysis. In this paper I show multiple relationships that follow from adopting Legon’s proposal, using an original base size for Menkaure suggested by the mathematics. This produces multiple instances of π, as well as φ, e, and square roots inherent in this arrangement. These relationships strongly argue that Legon’s concept design is correct.


Initial version.


The Consequences of Legons Rectangle - The Rational Giza Design.1.0.0.pdf