Published October 15, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

A Crossover Study to Compare the Effectiveness of Progressive Muscle Relaxation and Oral Intake of Turmeric Paste on Menopausal Maladies among Perimenopausal and Postmenopausal Women


The word 'menopause' comes from the Greek words 'menos', meaning month, and 'pause', meaning to cease. So, menopause means the 'monthly' (the period) stops”. Menopause is the life time event among women when menstrual cycles completely cease for a period of 12 consecutive months, and is caused by reduced secretion of the ovarian hormone oestrogen. Perimenopause is defined as the time of irregular periods until menopause. Postmenopause is a period after the menopause until the end of the life. The length of the perimenopausal transition is estimated at nearly 4 years. The age of natural menopause in Indian women is 46.2 ± 4.9 years. The Indian women begin their perimenopausal stage, identified by irregular periods, by the age of 44.69 ± 3.79 years. Menopause is a period accompanied by many physical and emotional changes that include vasomotor symptoms including night sweats, hot flashes, and pain; joint pain; decreased motion flexibility; vaginal discharge; stress incontinence; reduced hydration and wrinkling of the skin; neuropsychiatric symptoms such as forgetfulness, headache; psychiatric problems such as depression, anxiety & insomnia. Systemic vasomotor symptoms (VMS) are the classic cluster affecting 80% of peri- and post-menopausal women. Genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM), are seen in 50% of postmenopausal women, and it negatively impacts quality of life. Supplementing estrogen in the form of phytoestrogenic products may reduce the physiological symptoms related with menopause such as hot flash, heart racing, joint and muscle irritability and uro-genital issues. Techniques which activates the production of opioids and stimulates release of Cortical may reduce psychological symptoms like depression and anxiety and improve the sleep quality. The aim of the study is to compare the effect of oral intake of turmeric paste and progressive muscle relaxation over physiological and psychological symptoms of menopause. Method: Quantitative approach, true experimental, crosses over design was used. Sample: The study was performed on 60 perimenopausal and post menopausal women, aged 40- 60 years who experienced various degrees of menopausal symptoms, residing at selected Villages in Namakkal District and who fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Sample selection: Selection of villages through random allocation and snowball sampling technique was used to select the samples from each village. Sample size: Sample size of the present study consists of 30 (perimenopausal women – 15 & postmenopausal women – 15) in experimental group I and 30 (perimenopausal women – 15 & postmenopausal women – 15) in experimental group II. Tool: The data was collected using Menopausal Maladies Scale. This scale consisted of 30 items with two subscales in which 20 items were related with physiological symptoms and 10 items were related with psychological symptoms. Data analysis: Data analysis was done using descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings: Unpaired t’ values 0.371 and 0.589 respectively reveal that there is no significant difference in physiological and psychological menopausal maladies between experimental group I & II before intervention. Unpaired t values 5.03 and 7.96 respectively reveal that there is significant difference in physiological and psychological menopausal maladies between experimental group I & II after first intervention. While comparing the Mean 26.4 (SD; 10.7 & Mean % 33) of physiological maladies of experimental group I with mean 47.8 (SD: 20.7 & mean % percentage 59.8) of physiological maladies of experimental group II, PMR effectively reduces physiological maladies than the oral intake of turmeric paste. The same effect is identified in relevant to psychological maladies. Unpaired t values 5.23 and 5.26 respectively reveal that there is significant difference in physiological and psychological menopausal maladies between experimental group I & II after second intervention. While comparing the Mean 48.4 (SD; 22 & Mean % 60.5) of physiological maladies of experimental group I with mean 25.1 (SD: 10.6 & mean % percentage 45) of physiological maladies of experimental group II, PMR effectively reduces physiological maladies than the oral intake of turmeric paste. The same effect is identified in relevant to psychological maladies. Conclusion: Menopausal maladies involving both physiological and psychological components can be effectively managed with comprehensive intervention such as progressive Muscle Relaxation and oral intake turmeric paste.


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