Published October 12, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

A Study on Psychological Well Being among the Parents of Children with Intellectual Disabilities

  • 1. Research Scholar, Institute of Social Sciences &Humanities, SrinivasUniversity,Mangalore.
  • 2. Research Professor,College of Social Science &Humanities,Srinivas University, Mangalore,


Children with intellectual disabilities have intellectual functioning below average, inadequate self-care behaviors, socializing, communication, adaptive skills, participation and family support is needed to enhance the independence of the child so that the capability increased and decreased the family burden. Various therapists can be treated to increase the capability of families including family psyche-education therapy The study investigated the level of psychological well being among the parents of children with intellectual disabilities; Descriptive research design was used for the present study. Method: Data was collected from 20 parents of children with IDD. Ryff’s Psychological wellbeing scale (1989) was used to assess the psychological well being which has a multidimensional view on autonomy, Environmental mastery, personal growth, positive relation with others, purpose in life and self – acceptance. Result: The results showed a decrease of the burden and increased the capability of a family in caring for children with intellectual disability after psycho-education therapy. Psycho-education therapy is a therapy that can be implemented for a family with psychosocial disorders where exchanged information on mental health care due to the illness suffered, help family members to understand about the disease In this study the results shows that more than half of the respondents are having low level of psychological wellbeing. Discussion: In this paper, the findings convey that more than half of the parents do not have good mental health due to their multiple responsibilities. To improve their psychological well being the parents of children with intellectual and developmental disabilities should undergo therapy such as psychotherapy, relaxation and stress management techniques should be given to the family members of the children with intellectual disabilities.


Proceedings Nov 21 Conference Mental Health-144-150.pdf

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