Published November 1, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Development and performance comparison of a modified glazed CPC hybrid solar collector coupled with a bifacial PVT receiver


  • 1. University of Gävle


Innovative concentrating PVT solar collector concepts based on a CPC geometry concept were developed to outperform the asymmetric Solarus CPVT collector and therefore decrease the energy/performance gap between CPVT and PV/ST solar collectors.

The updated reflector geometry proved to be the most suitable reflector geometry for CPVTs, where the electrical peak efficiency per gross area reached 10.6%, which is +16.5%rel higher than the electrical peak efficiency of the Solarus CPVT. Optical efficiencies of η0 = 62.3% and η0 = 61.8% for CPC 1 and CPC 2 have been achieved, respectively.

A PV module (0.5 m2) combined with an ST solar collector (0.5 m2) system to be able to deliver the same overall energy yield as the newly developed CPVT collector (1 m2) requires on average +0.02 m2 (at 45 °C), −0.06 m2 (at 55 °C) and −0.15 m2 (at 65 °C) of installed area, for a wide range of latitudes.

A CPC-PVT system to increase its competitiveness requires a material cost reduction and at the same time an increased overall efficiency. Nevertheless, the energy/performance gap between a system composed of PV + ST technologies and a CPC-PVT decreased significantly.


This research was partly supported with funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 814865 (RES4BUILD) and from the Department of Building Engineering, Energy Systems and Sustainability Science of the University of Gävle. The author is grateful for the fruitful cooperation and support provided by Professor Björn Karlsson during the whole development and reviewing of the manuscript as well as for the input delivered to develop both Eqs. 3 and 4.



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European Commission
RES4BUILD – Renewables for clean energy buildings in a future power system 814865