Historical and cultural significance of the collection of Russian artists in the A. Kasteeva Museum
The article is devoted to the collection of Russian art, presented today in the State Museum of Arts. Abylkhana Kasteeva in Almaty. Practice has shown that the main stream of artistic forces rushed to Kazakhstan from Moscow. The value of the entire Kazakh exposition of the museum is colossal not so much in material terms as in its historical and cultural significance for descendants and contemporaries. In the context of the style diversity of images, shapes and colors, one can grasp the sensations, and through them to find answers to many questions, understand the historical processes in Kazakhstan, beliefs, our attitude to nature, to life and to each other. Therefore, it is so important to identify the circle of artists who worked in Kazakhstan, in the years when Kazakhstan’s fine arts were just getting on their feet, the process of consolidating a few creative forces was taking place. Anyway, these artists visited Kazakhstan, worked here, created their own works. Among them were eminent Russian painters, who entered the history of Soviet Art. The masterpieces of Kazakh and Russian art will allow the viewer to trace the history of the formation and development of the Kazakh national school of painting, over a thousand paintings, prints and drawings are the pride of the collection of the State Museum of Arts of Kazakhstan. A. Kasteev.
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Additional details
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