Published March 28, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Festivals as Drivers of Creative Industry Development: Historical and Cultural Approach

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kyiv, Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to analyse the current research problems on festivals as drivers of the development of creative industries in the context of historical and cultural approaches. The article reveals the theoretical and methodological foundations of the development of festivals in the late 20th and early 21st century in cultural thought; substantiates the historical and cultural approach to the study of festivals as a synergy of creative initiatives, history, cultural values, customs, traditions, arts and creativity. The research methodology involves using a set of research methods of general and special nature. The critical methodological approach of the research is historical and cultural. The author applies it to analyse the development of the festivals from the end of the 20th to the beginning of the 21st century within cultural thought. The cultural studies approach provided an opportunity to prove that festivals provide a synergy of creative initiatives, history, cultural values, customs and traditions, arts and creativity, contributing to the sustainable development of creative industries and society in Ukraine. The author has used the analytical-synthetic method to highlight the peculiarities of the activity of festivals in the creative industries in Ukraine, and systematise the main classification approaches to the festivals of the creative sectors; the method of logical generalisation to substantiate theoretically the historical and cultural approach to the study of the role of festivals of creative industries; the prognostic method to generalise the multifaceted nature of the festival as a driver for the development of creative industries. The scientific novelty lies in the theoretical and methodological systematisation of festivals of the late twentieth – early twentieth centuries in the environment of creative industries through the prism of historical and cultural approach. Conclusions. It is proven that festivals are unique, colourful drivers of creative industries in Ukraine, which encourage innovation and active synergy with industries of different segments of cultural and creative space segments based on human-centredness.


Festivals_as_Drivers_of_Creative_Industry_Development_Historical _and_Cultural_Approach.pdf

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