Document Management Culture as a Technology of Effective Public Governance
The purpose of the article is to determine the specifics of information and documentation support for management choices and study the impact on the formation of e-government as a form of effective public management. The research methodology is based on methods of analysis and synthesis and the principles of objectivity and systematicity (to understand the government document and e-document flow management process; to determine the basic principles of e-government, and improve government efficiency). The scientific novelty substantiates the importance of involving innovative technology in information and documentation support. Conclusions. The article determines that the new technology improves the quality of management decisions and speeds up paperwork. Thus, management relationships development takes place based on knowledge and information. The author emphasises that for the operational management of information resources and effective management decisions, there is a need to introduce e-document management as a set of technology that optimises and changes government work. It is proved that the introduction of e-document management is directly related to e-government as a form of public government. The advantages of e-government are transparency and openness of public administration, saving material and time resources, optimising management and improving the quality of administrative services, the efficiency of budget spending and reducing the cost of maintaining the state apparatus, quality administrative services, reducing corruption in government, providing conditions for the development of e-democracy through the definition of government services by the population, as well as the building of a positive image of the state and society.
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