Features of the Manifestation of the Ecological Culture of Modern Youth in the Context of Environmental Challenges
- 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kyiv, Ukraine
- 2. National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
- 3. Uzhanskyi National Nature Park, Velykyi Bereznyi, Transcarpathian region, Ukraine
The purpose of the article is to determine the essence and specific features of the manifestation of the ecological culture of modern youth in the context of environmental challenges as a factor of the normal existence of civilisation and the successful solution of modern environmental issues. The research methodology is based on the integrated use of general scientific theoretical methods of analysis, synthesis, abstraction, and observation, which made it possible to reveal the features of the manifestation of the ecological culture of modern youth. The study of the manifestations of the ecological culture of modern youth requires an interdisciplinary approach based on a complex combination of methods and principles of a number of socio-humanitarian sciences (culturology, ecology, sociology, philosophy, pedagogy, psychology, and law). A systematic approach to the formation of ecological culture made it possible to determine the role and significance of individual elements that form the ecological culture of the individual, their interrelation, and interdependence. The scientific novelty consists in substantiating the definitions of the ecological culture of modern youth as a certain system. Conclusions. The ecological culture of the individual is considered as a part of universal culture, a system of social relations, social and individual moral and ethical norms, views, attitudes, and values that relate to the relationship between man and nature. Features of the manifestation of the ecological culture of modern youth in the context of environmental challenges are an integral part of the national culture, which is formed in the public consciousness and behaviour of people during the life and activities of generations by continuous environmental education. The ecological culture of modern youth is a kind of reflection of the integrity of the world based on its practical, spiritual and intellectual understanding, and its manifestations occur on the basis of environmental knowledge, safe and environmentally friendly technologies, norms, values, and behavioural skills, perception and feelings, relevant legislation, extending to the entire system of human activity.
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