Problem setting. Political ideology is a complex, ambiguous social phenomenon that is constantly in the focus of attention of scholars and is considered in various scientific discourses. The problematic situation is related to contradictions in the definition of the concept and place of political ideology in the socio-political space. In this regard, it is advisable to analyze the historical evolution of the concept of political ideology and explore the forms in which it is integrated in modern conditions.
Recent research and publications analysis. The study of the problems of political ideology belongs to the sphere of scientific interests of both Ukrainian and foreign scholars. Among modern domestic researchers who deal with theoretical and methodological issues of political ideology should be noted such scientists as V. Andrushchenko, L. Gubernsky, N. Degtyareva, V. Denisenko, D. Dontsov, V. Zablotsky, F. Kirilyuk, V. Korablyova , V. Lisovy, I. Myhul, M. Mykhalchenko, O. Postol, A. Sukharina and others. Foreign scholars T. Adorno, T. Boyd, J. Habermas, M. Gorkheimer, D. Jost, P. Kisak, S. Krauthammer, K. Mannheim, D. Martin, N. Pulantsas, K. Federico, M. Frieden, M. Foucault, K. Harrison and others. Despite the fact that the scientific literature has widely reflected the understanding of various problems of political ideology, there are still a number of debatable issues that need to be constantly considered.
Paper objective. The aim of the article is to study the essence of the concept of political ideology in modern socio-philosophical discourse; consideration of methodological approaches to the analysis of this phenomenon; identification of structural levels and components of political ideology, study of the features of its functional system.
Paper main body. In the modern scientific literature, the concept of "political ideology" has many interpretations. This significantly complicates his research. To reveal the essence of this social phenomenon, we must first turn to the analysis of the concept of "ideology". Ideology is one of the forms of social consciousness. It is a theoretically generalized system of views and beliefs about society, in which theoretical and empirical knowledge is intertwined with beliefs and values. Ideology, in fact, is an intellectual expression of the activities of different classes and social groups that have their own conceptual and moral value systems. The basis of the ideological system of society is political ideology. Any ideology has a political character, but the concept of "political ideology" is used in a specific sense, namely - to characterize the rational-value motivation of political behavior and ideological basis of politics. Political ideology is a system of conceptually designed ideas, ideas and views on political life, which reflects the interests, worldview, ideals, moods of people, classes, nations, society, political parties. To analyze ideology as a factor in the political process, it is important to understand its structure and functions. After all, the structural elements of ideology have varying degrees of influence on the political process. According to Ukrainian scholars (M. Mikhalchenko, M. Ostapenko, О. Voronyansky, Т. Kulishenko and others) political ideology includes the following structural components: political ideas; political hypotheses, concepts, theories, doctrines; political ideals, values, slogans; political myths and political utopias; political programs. The functional system of political ideology includes a wide range of functions, including the following: orientation, mobilization, integration, depreciation, the function of expressing and protecting the interests of a particular social group.
Conclusions of the research. Political ideology, which is a set of mostly systematized ideas, views, ideas of certain social groups, society as a whole, contains theoretical (conceptual) understanding of political life and protects their interests and goals through political power or influence on it. Its role in society is determined by the influence it exerts on the state of public consciousness through the implementation of its specific functions.
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