The article considers the causes and consequences of Russia’s full-scale aggression against Ukraine to form a new world order. It is noted that Putin as a political phenomenon did not emerge from nowhere, but was a product of the then system of power, which was formed in Russia in the late 90's of the twentieth century. With roughly equal starting opportunities, Russia and Ukraine have demonstrated different trajectories of post-communist transit. If with each new term of Putin Putin, Russia slipped more and more into chauvinistic militaristic authoritarianism, Ukraine with each new election moved towards the regime of electoral democracy. The current war is a war between different civilizations: the authoritarian Asian (Russia) and the democratic European (Ukraine). It is concluded that Russia’s aggression against Ukraine in geopolitical terms should be considered as the first attempt at an authoritarian change in the world order. Therefore, only the victory of Ukraine and the restoration of its territorial integrity within the generally recognized borders of 1991 will allow to preserve the existing democratic world order.
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