Dance Sports of the Twenty-First Century: Modern Teaching Methods
The purpose of the article is to reveal methods of enhancing the physical abilities of dancers based on the analysis of foreign scientific sources and outline the possibilities of using traditional methods of training multiple complex coordination sports and systems related to the research and improvement of the art of movement in dance sports. Methods. The author has applied general scientific research methods, in particular the method of theoretical analysis and generalisation, the system and structural-functional method, the typological method, and the method of comparative analysis. Results and Conclusions. The current state and trends in the development of dance sports at the world level require rethinking and expanding the range of training methods to increase dancers’ endurance and improve the technical and aesthetic level of their training. Dance sports are characterised by various forms of movement, a special technique for performing exercises when physical and technical training is not subject to the improvement of motor functions in the main sports movement, as in speed and power sports. It was found that the adaptation of certain strategies for improving professional qualities in aerobics, figure skating, rhythmic and artistic gymnastics to contemporary teaching methods in dance sports will significantly increase the level of physical capabilities of dancers, and the use of biomechanics elements will increase the effectiveness of training and classes. Scientific novelty. The author has studied popular teaching methods in the western theory and practice of dance sports; analysed traditional strategies for complex coordination sports in the context of the feasibility of including dancers in modern training programs; introduced little-known materials for filling the National theoretical base into scientific circulation.
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