Published April 15, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Integrated Multitrophic Aquaponics—A Promising Strategy for Cycling Plant Nutrients and MinimizingWater Consumption


The integration of aquatic animals and horticultural production through aquaponics has
been recently studied and endorsed by scientists as a real, sustainable solution to optimize the reuse
of nutrient and water resources in food production. The present study (HortiMED H2020 PRIMA
Project-Grant Number 1915), conducted in three plastic greenhouses at El-Kanater Research Station
in Egypt, has gone one step beyond aquaponics by evaluating the feasibility of combining integrated
multitrophic aquaculture (IMTA) with hydroponic horticultural production using the nutrient film
technique (NFT) and floating raft systems (FRS) to maximize nutrient cycling resulting from cultured
aquatic animals.


Acknowledgments: The HortiMED project (Grant Number 1915) is part of the PRIMA Programme supported by the European Union.


blsf-16-00028 (2).pdf

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