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Published October 5, 2022 | Version v1
Software Open

Gas Kinetic Schemes for Solving the Magnetohydrodynamic Equations with Pressure Anisotropy

  • 1. The University of Hong Kong
  • 2. Dartmouth College


In many astrophysical plasmas, the Coulomb collision is insufficient to maintain an isotropic temperature, and the system is driven to the anisotropic regime. In this case, extended magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) models with anisotropic pressure are needed to describe such a plasma system. To solve the anisotropic MHD equation numerically, we develop a robust Gas-Kinetic flux scheme for non-linear MHD flows. Using anisotropic velocity distribution functions, the numerical flux functions are derived for updating the macroscopic plasma variables. The scheme is suitable for finite-volume solvers which utilize a conservative form of the mass, momentum, and total energy equations, and can be easily applied to multi-fluid problems and extended to more generalized double polytropic plasma systems. Test results show that the numerical scheme is very robust and performs well for both linear wave and non-linear MHD problems. 


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