Can Public Transport Improve Accessibility for the Poor Over the Long Term? Empirical Evidence in Paris, 1968-2010
- 1. CIRED, International Research Center on Environment & Development, France
- 2. Ecole des Ponts ParisTech
This dataset allows to reproduce the results of the paper "Can Public Transport Improve Accessibility for the Poor Over the Long Term? Empirical Evidence in Paris, 1968-2010", by Vincent Viguié, Charlotte Liotta, Basile Pfeiffer, and Nicolas Coulombel, submitted to the Journal of Transport Geography and available at SSRN: or
Files MODUS_private_cars.csv and MODUS_public_transport.csv correspond to the average transport time between municipalities by public transit for the Census years between 1968 and 20109, and by car for the year 2010. MODUS is a model calibrated by the public regional road and transport authority (DRIEAT Île de France) to simulate road traffic and transit in the region. More details can be found in the research paper.
Files COM_RES_csp_1968_2010.csv and COM_EMP_csp_1968_2010.csv correspond to the number of employed workers, by place of residence or employment, at the municipality (communes) level, with stable geographical boundaries over time. They are derived from the detailed census of the French population carried out by the INSEE, the French national statistical institute. More details can be found in the research paper.