Published November 11, 2021 | Version 1.0
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Scalable I/O and Checkpointing for Firedrake

  • 1. Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London
  • 2. Department of Earth Sciences, ETH Zu ̈rich
  • 3. Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University at Buffalo
  • 4. Department of Computer Science, Durham University


Firedrake [1] is a system for solving partial differential equations using finite element methods. In this work we enhance the I/O checkpointing capabilities of Firedrake introducing a new interface. The new interface allows for saving and loading functions representing fields in association with meshes of the domain, with domains in the same HDF5 file. The I/O is efficient and scalable, and allows saving and loading on different numbers of MPI processes.


This work was funded under the embedded CSE programme of the ARCHER2 UK National Supercomputing Service (



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  • Rathgeber F, Ham DA, Mitchell L, Lange M, Luporini F, McRae ATT, et al. Fire- drake: automating the finite element method by composing abstractions. ACM Trans Math Softw. 2016;43(3):24:1–24:27. Available from: 01809.