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Published June 30, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Modern Digital Tools in the Professional Marketing Virtual Environment of the Firm

  • 1. Ivano-Franivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ukraine
  • 2. Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to analyse the effectiveness of basic digital tools and technologies in the marketing activities of the company in a professional virtual environment.

The research methodology consists in general philosophical methods of cognition (analysis and synthesis – in identifying the use of digital tools in marketing), general science (information modelling, system method – in studying the research problem and developing a marketing digital concept), and special methods (content-analysis – analysis of websites and accounts in social networks).

Scientific novelty. The theoretical and practical aspects of modern digital technologies’ use in the professional virtual environment of the company are continued to develop in the study. The digital-based marketing concept for an IT company is elaborated.

Conclusions. The combination of digital technologies with modern marketing activities in IT companies is based primarily on the use of the latest tools to provide productive software solutions that meet the needs of the information market. These tools also present high-quality results based on industry experience and successful methodologies for their implementation in the IT field, which has already proven their effectiveness in many projects. The practical significance of the research results is that they can be used in applied aspects of marketing activities by the IT company COAX Software in order to achieve marketing goals. Digitalization technologies and tools are applied in practice in companies that are ready for modern digital transformations, seek to develop, integrate into professional cyberspace, strengthen their market position, and expand customer audience and partner relationships through virtual communications.



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