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Published September 28, 2022 | Version v1.0.0
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raghul-parthipan/l96_rnn: v1.0.0


Using Probabilistic Machine Learning to Better Model Temporal Patterns in Parameterizations: a case study with the Lorenz 96 model.


Parent directory

requirements.txt gives the required packages. Everything here is configured to run without needing a GPU. Of course, if you have a GPU things will be quicker. You can install requirements using a conda env as below:

  1. conda create --prefix ./envs python==3.8.5
  2. conda activate ./envs
  3. pip install -r requirements.txt

In all notebooks, paths need to be updated based on where data is and where you want things to be saved.



This folder is used for preparing all the training and evaluation data from the "truth" two-level L96 model.

  • create_l96_data.ipynb creates the data.
  • If, like done here, you can't run a full 50,000 MTU simulation run due to OOM issues, you can run consecutive chunks and then merge them using merge_evaluation_datasets.ipynb.
  • weather_analysis_truth_data.ipynb is used to create the data used for weather analysis.



Here are all the models, both their training and how they are used to create the results.



rnn_training.ipynb is for training the model and rnn_results.ipynb is for generating data and calculating hold-out likelihoods. rnn_diagnostics.ipynb contains an example of how likelihood is used to diagnose what can be improved in the RNN model.



Christensen_polynomial_parameterisation.ipynb trains the polynomial model and is used to simulate data and calculate hold-out likelihood.



gan_training.ipynb is used to train the GAN, and gan_results.ipynb to generate data.

The importance sampler is trained in importance_sampler_for_gan_training.ipynb and the results (i.e. hold-out likelihood) are calculated in importance_sampler_for_gan_training.ipynb



If due to OOM issues you've needed to create separate chunks of simulation data, merge_simulation_datasets.ipynb is there to merge it.

The notebooks in analysis_notebook are used to create the plots and resulst shown in the Results of the paper.



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