Published September 27, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Restricted

Appendixes for the manuscript entitled "The Complete Mitogenome of Toxocara vitulorum: Novel Insights into the phylogenetics in Toxocaridae" which was been submitted and considered for publication in International Journal of Molecular Sciences.


  • 1. Sichuan Agricultural University


Figure S1. The proportion of the mitogenomes comprised by PCGs, tRNAs, rRNAs, AT-rich and intergenic regions for Toxocara species.

Table S1. List of the eight primer pairs for PCR amplification and their positions in the mitogenome of Toxocara vitulorum.

Table S2. Nucleotide compositions of different genomic regions in Toxocara vitulorum and other nematodes reported within Ascaridida.

Table S3. Lengths of each PCG and rRNA in Toxocara vitulorum and other nematodes reported within Ascaridida.



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The journal editors and potential reviewers would be approved to access when the manuscript entitled "The Complete Mitogenome of Toxocara vitulorum: Novel Insights into the phylogenetics in Toxocaridae" to be checked, reviewed and considered for publication in International Journal of Molecular Sciences.

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