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Published June 17, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Information Technology in Activities of the World's Leading Libraries and Their Use under Modern Communications

  • 1. National Scientific Agricultural Library, National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine


The aim of the article is to highlight the main trends in the development and implementation of information and communication technology in the library service system of the world’s leading countries.

The research methodology is based on the integrated use of general scientific and structural-functional methods. To clarify the evolution of information and communication strategies in library practice, there is a social communication approach, special historical methods.

The scientific novelty of the study lies in the comprehensive generalisation of new information and library services used in multiple countries.

Conclusions. Among the priority tasks of foreign libraries, there is the creation of their e-products, development of search information strategies, solving problems of digitisation of documents, and introduction of innovative means of information. Leadership in the development of communication technologies belongs to US libraries, which in the 1970s implemented the first projects to inform the library process, digitise holdings and create e-libraries. Among European countries, information and communication technology is being intensively implemented in libraries of Germany, Sweden and Denmark. The concept of the machinery of information flows has developed rapidly in the East, especially in libraries in China, Japan and Korea. Ukraine is actively using international electronic databases to build its strategy for library informatisation. At this stage, the task is to create integrated global information resources based on corporate activities of libraries for the accumulation, storage and dissemination of information flows, and development of effective search engines and information services for users.



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