Published June 17, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Innovative Media Space of the Modern Library: Axiological Guidelines of Functioning

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine


The aim of the research is to outline the axiological guidelines for the functioning of the innovative media space of a modern library.

The research methodology is based on general scientific methods of generalisation, systematisation and forecasting. The hypothetical method made it possible to define the «innovative media space of a modern library» based on a value-based approach in library science.

The scientific novelty of the research lies in the substantiation of the value approach to the creation and functioning of the innovative media space of a modern library. The author’s definition of the concept of «innovative media space of a modern library» is a set of technical, technology and software tools of library activities formed in the process of digital transformations of the library aimed at meeting the information and social and communicative needs of citizens, due to their professional, social activities, education, leisure, life, tasks of personal growth and communication.

Conclusions. In the context of digital transformations of libraries, the issue of avoiding technology determinism and the need to adapt the humanistic function of the library to innovative shifts remains relevant. Technology and social-communicative components of innovative media space of modern libraries should be considered in the relationship and interaction following the axiological guidelines of the library, including the implementation of social, educational, value-oriented, moral and ethical, memorial, environmental recreational functions. The theory and methodology of research on the digital technology issues in libraries is a value approach, which consists of the joint study of humanitarian issues (library’s purpose) and technology issues (ways to implement the library’s purpose). From the point of view of the value approach, the innovative media space of a modern library is a set of technical, technology and software tools of library activity formed in the digital transformations of the library aimed at meeting the information and social and communicative needs of citizens, due to their professional, social activities, education, leisure, life, tasks of personal growth and communication.



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