Features of the organization of sustainable development of enterprises in the conditions of establishing social dialogue and safety monitoring
Relevance of the research topic. The study of the specifics of the organization of sustainable
development of enterprises in the context of social dialogue and safety monitoring is conditioned by the
lack of a unified approach to the implementation of the algorithm of this process.
Formulation of the problem. In the modern conditions of organizing sustainable development,
establishing social dialogue and monitoring the safety of industrial entities of entrepreneurial activity,
which are characterized by fierce competition, significant financial risks, a high level of uncertainty, limited
resources, one of the conditions for ensuring the planned volumes of profit is the achievement of a low
level of transactional and transformational costs, a significant share of which is the cost of supplying raw
materials, equipment, commodity values and finished products, which, in turn, is due to specific features
of the supply process in industry, which determines the relevance of the research topic.
Setting the purpose and objectives of the study – to investigate the peculiarities of the
organization of sustainable development of enterprises in the conditions of establishment of social
dialogue and safety monitoring.
Research method or methodology. The article uses the following methods: taxonomic analysis,
graphic, monographic, analysis and synthesis, systematization.
Presentation of the main material (research results). The specified adaptive economic–
mathematical model of optimization of material and technical supply in industry, in the case of its use
in economic activity, will simplify the choice of a management system for inventories of goods and
material values, depending on the specifics of the production process of a particular enterprise and the
external conditions of its operation, to be taken into account in a timely manner when forming supply
programs changes in supply and demand in the markets for finished products, to monitor the flow of
own funds when organizing the transportation of raw materials from suppliers, and to redistribute
available financial resources to solve priority tasks in the conditions of establishing a social dialogue
and monitoring security.
Field of application of results. The results of the research can be used in the practical activities
of enterprises, organizations, institutions to improve the organization of sustainable development of enterprises
in the conditions of establishing social dialogue and monitoring safety.
Conclusions on the article. As a result of the conducted research, it was established that
forecasting of logistics processes in industry using economic and mathematical modeling contributes
to the implementation of flexible management of the supply of raw materials to industrial enterprises
and systematic monitoring of logistics costs in order to increase profits by developing a mechanism for
their rationalization. It is important to develop rational routes for the transportation of raw materials
from suppliers and finished products to consumers, taking into account the available number of vehicles
in order to minimize transportation costs. There is a need to determine the optimal structure of the
quantitative composition of vehicles used in the process of entrepreneurial activity in the conditions of
establishing social dialogue and monitoring safety.
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