Published June 30, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Fulfillment of Digital Marketing in the Restaurant Business

  • 1. State University of Trade and Economics, Ukraine
  • 2. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine


Topicality. Digital marketing fulfillment allows the restaurant business entities to diversify sales opportunities and increase the economic profit. The digital space has not been mastered enough, therefore, it offers the conditions of an uncompetitive environment, some niches of “blue ocean”. The problems of fulfillment models implementation into the operational marketing activity has become an important component of the development strategy and a research object in the context of digitalization. The relevance of the study is to determine the main aspects of digital marketing fulfillment, based on scientifically sound hypotheses and practical reviews.

The aim of the study and its methods. The aim of the article is to study digital marketing fulfillment and substantiate the model of the marketing funnel of restaurant business entities. Specified for processing, the scientific research subject determined the use of scientific methods and approaches complex that allowed to identify operational definitions and build hypothetical research models. Thus, for the formation of theoretical basis, the methods of analysis, synthesis and induction were used, as well as the method from the abstract to the concrete was applied. Modeling was used in order to create the formulation of fulfillment models and the marketing funnel for sales. To form recommendations on digital marketing fulfillment of restaurant business entities, communication channels were subjected to detailing on the principle of expediency.

Results. The terms “fulfillment” and “digital marketing” have been operationalized; the most relevant definitions have been established. The main types of fulfillment of restaurant business entities have been considered. The main markers of the formation of marketing funnel for sales have been determined and algorithmically defined. The popularity of mobile applications among the studied samples of respondents has been monitored, which showed general tendencies of digital technologies use in the restaurant services market.

Conclusions and discussions. The research highlighted that the fulfillment of digital marketing in the restaurant business is an urgent scientific task, taking into account the fact that it allows to study and scientifically substantiate the directions for enhancing sales processes, which is necessary in a competitive environment and a fluctuating lockdown for restaurant business entities. Used in the study, numerous scientific works confirm that the offered interpreted rule for implementing fulfillment models and marketing funnel can increase the overall reward of the restaurant as an electronic seller. Further research requires the deepening of new types of fulfillment development in view of innovations probability in service and settlement technologies in the digital market, as well as the studying of competitive reactions of business entities and customers to the digital trends implementation.



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