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Published September 22, 2022 | Version v1
Poster Open

Multilingualism and multiscriptism in TEI publishing: DH2022

  • 1. International Institute for Digital Humanities, Japan; Graduate school of the University of Tokyo
  • 2. International Institute for Digital Humanities, Japan
  • 3. The University of Tokyo


In the conference DH2022 Tokyo held in this July, the book of abstracts has been published entirely through the XSL-FO pipeline based on ADHO’s DHConvalidator and TEI to PDF Book Creator. The texts of the abstracts were converted by each author with DHConvalidator, which generates a format not always expected by the original TEI to PDF Book Creator. Moreover, while the text body is mostly written in English and some other languages which are accepted in CFP, it also embraces a large number of words and phrases in various Asian languages, reflecting the theme of the conference and authors’ regional backgrounds. Thus, we needed to adapt the original stylesheets to multi-script typography by a large expansion of linguistic and typographical templates as well as extensive annotation.

Our modification involves extraction and annotation of Asian language fragments in TEI documents, locale-oriented typeface differentiation, adjustment for typographical conventions, and mixed script typesetting. We will share our methodology and decisions we applied to the actual book, hoping that it serves as a case study that leads to dissemination of attention to, and better practices in, non-Latin and/or multi-script publication in the TEI community.



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