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Published September 23, 2022 | Version v1
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The Svalbox DMDb - supplementary processing files

  • 1. UNIS


The Svalbox Digital Model Database - Supplementary files

The Svalbox Digital Model Database (DMDb) is a regional DOM database geographically constrained to the Norwegian High Arctic Archipelago of Svalbard at 74-81 °N and 10-35 °E. Svalbard offers exceptional quality, vegetation-free outcrops with a wide range of lithologies and tectono-magmatic styles including extension, compression and magmatism. Data and metadata of the systematically digitized outcrops across Svalbard are shared according to FAIR principles through the Svalbox DMDb. 

This repository contains the various scripts needed to reproduce the data processing of the Svalbox Digital Model Database paper submitted to Geosphere.




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Access available for reviewing of the manuscript. Data will be publicly shared under CC-NC-By-4 afterwards. 

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Dataset: 10.5281/zenodo.7108098 (DOI)