Published April 21, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Volodymyr Fisher Directing Method in Stage and Production Work by Borys Sharvarko

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine


The article is devoted to a comprehensive study of the creative work of the director of festivals, theatrical performances, and concert programmes, Borys Sharvarko. The purpose of the article is to determine the multifaceted artistic achievements and ways of integrating the directing method by B. Sharvarko into the stage and production activities. In addition, the work reveals life events that had a direct or indirect impact on the development of directing talent. The article describes the master’s creative work and his main achievements. The period when he realized his labour potential for the benefit of his hometown and then held the position of chief director of the Ukrconcert's cultural programmes, was studied in particular detail. The research methods include general historical (trends in directing stage production in the artistic environment of the 20th and early 21st centuries are outlined), analytical (to study the historiographic sources: cultural studies, art studies, and theatrical literature), systemic and other methods. Scientific novelty. The article is one of the first analytical works, which reveals in detail the achievements of the People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR and independent Ukraine, as well as the limits of his great talent not only as a director but also to some extent as an artistic director, music coordinator, enthusiast and perfectionist. Conclusions. The analysis of the artistic and life path of the infinitely talented Borys Sharvarko allows us to conclude that the uniqueness of his work was a harmonious combination of directing style with traditional concert repertoire, the use of rituals, a skilful combination of lyricism, pathos, humour, and total self-devotion to his favourite pursuit.



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